Latitudine: 45.78555
Longitudine: 13.65877
The Karst village of Malchina belongs to the municipality of Duino-Aurisina, in the province of Trieste, region Friuli-Venezia Giulia.
The locality of Malchina rises 181 meters above sea level.
The village was first mentioned with the clearly Slovenian name Malchinasella in 1113. In the following centuries, the village was again cited in many local documents, but it became notorious during WWI because of Austro-Hungarian troops posted in the village and for its close proximity to Mount Ermada, the scene of violent battles.
The square of Malchina is dominated by the baroque-style church dedicated to San Nicola, dated first to 1305, and by the local stone building, with above-ground loggia and side steps. These were the Municipality headquarters between 1856 and 1928.
The current church was built in 1768 , while the bell tower is dated 1796 . The bell tower, detached from the religious building, ends with a polygonal dome, and is 25 meters high; it has, in the bell cell, three bells, reactivated after the First World War, during which the existing bells were damaged.
During the Great War, the hamlet was damaged by artillery fire due to its proximity with Mt. Ermada, last Austrian bastion put in defense of Trieste and its port of strategic importance to the Empire.
Today, an idyllic countryside atmosphere, so typical for Karst, has been restored.
Although Malchina is a small village with population of about 220 people and less then 100 houses, it plays an important role in building an eco-sustainable Karst economy, which in addition to the traditional activities of rural populations entails new initiatives designed to create quality forms of agricultural production and compatible forms of tourism.
Malchina restaurants/osmiza: Trattoria Terzoni "Osteria Boris", Pizzeria Agli Elfi, Agriturismo La Mezzaluna, Allegra Fattoria, Osmica Fabec, Osmiza Pipan Klaric, Osmiza Tercon, Osmiza Angelini / Gabrovec...
Distances (driving routes):
Malchina - Trieste: 21.4km
Malchina - Sistiana: 2,6km
Malchina - Monfalcone: 12,9km
Malchina - Grado: 35,8km
Malchina - Cividale del Griuli: 56,4km
Malchina - Aquileia: 32,3km
Malchina - Gorizia: 28,3km
Malchina - Trieste Airport (Ronchi dei Legionari): 15,9km